5 aventuras en el Caribe para los amantes de la adrenalina

So, endless hours of lounging on the beach sipping cocktails is not exactly your idea of fun? Wait, what's wrong with you?! Ha. I'm just kidding! Crucero por el Caribe is not only a great way to bring you to glorious destinations for rest and relaxation but it also offers a variety of stimulating activities and adventures to get your heart pumping! Esta es mi lista de 5 experiencias para aventureros que tienes que probar cuando viajes en crucero por el Caribe.

Arguably one of the milder activities of the bunch, but most definitely not a letdown! No hay mejor forma, o una más emocionante, de ver tu puerto en el Caribe que en una tirolesa. Si elegiste un crucero a Costa Maya, prueba la montaña rusa tirolesa de Kukulcán. Lleva la tirolesa común al extremo: ¡giros increíbles en las alturas que te harán subir la adrenalina sobre la vista increíble de la jungla! Si viajas en un barco clase Breakaway también puedes disfrutar de la tirolesa en alta mar en el complejo deportivo. Another great option if you're cruising to Ocho Ríos, Jamaica, is the Aventura en tirolesa, descenso por el río y cataratas del río Dunn shore excursion.

Creo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que navegar en cámara ya es emocionante de por sí, pero hacerlo en una cueva en un crucero en Belice tiene otra ventaja: puedes admirar algunas cuevas mayas antiguas. Guides will lead you through the caves and teach you about their history and geology. Additionally, you'll learn about the fascinating rituals of the Maya that were connected to them. As a part of the excursion, you'll get to enjoy a delicious and authentic Belizean lunch afterward, a perfect ending to an experience that is both intellectually and physically stimulating.
When you cruise The Caribbean, you're surrounded by crystal-clear waters, so why not take advantage of the beauty and dive right in? Whether it's surfing, paddle boarding, snorkeling, kayaking, kite surfing, etc., etc., etc. - water adventures are calling! Even if you've never done any of these, don't chicken out. It's the perfect time and place to start learning. Norwegian offers many Caribbean excursión en tierras for beginners and beyond. For instance, one of the best ways to explore Harvest Caye, Belize, is on a Tour en WaveRunner.

¿Quieres ver todo desde una nueva perspectiva? This experience will get you soaring, literally. On a cruise vacation to Harvest Caye, Belize, there's a chance to rise 400 feet into the sky for a parasailing adventure. Not only will it give you an adrenaline rush, but the epic viewpoint will make for amazing pictures and memories. Enjoy the vibrant blues, crisp greens, and pearly whites of The Caribbean from a vantage point unlike any other.
If your Caribbean cruise vacation takes you to George Town, Grand Cayman, be sure to check out the Banco de arena en Stingray City shore excursion. Here, you'll have the once-in-lifetime opportunity to get close to loads of stingrays when you visit Stingray City. As you wade through a series of shallow sandbars, you can feed and touch these shy and misunderstood creatures.

¡Indiscutiblemente la mejor actividad para los adictos a la adrenalina! Opportunities to cliff jump in The Caribbean are all over the place. You just have to ask the guides or locals. But if you have the urge to do something crazy, make your way over to Negril (a few hours from Ocho Ríos) cuando visites Jamaica con tu crucero. It's a little bit of a way out, but there you'll find one of the best places in the world for cliff jumping. Visita Rick's Cafe para dar un salto (desde distintas alturas) y disfrutar el ambiente. Después de haber saltado puedes recompensarte por ser el mejor con un trago o un poco de pollo "jerk".

Todas estas son opciones excelentes para cuando estés recorriendo los destinos pero, ¿y si te digo que ni siquiera tienes que bajar del barco para darte una dosis de emoción? Bueno, ¡créelo! Los barcos clase Breakaway de Norwegian tienen un montón de actividades para que disfrutes toda la emoción a bordo. Toboganes acuáticos, a rope course, rock wall climbing … maybe you'll build up the nerve to caminar por el tablón. But that's not all! The Norwegian team offers a host of Caribbean shore excursions that are sure to get your heart pounding. Whatever thrill you're craving, an epic Caribbean cruise with Norwegian will satisfy your need for adventure.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article was originally published on March 11, 2016. Se actualizó para mostrar contenido e itinerarios relacionados.